Shoppers have been searching for Black Friday deals the entire month, and while Black Friday might look a little different this year, it is more important than ever to have your ecommerce store optimized for the amount of users that will head to your store to buy your products. A large amount of users can slow down your page and kill your bounce rate. You also want to make sure all your images and videos are optimized, and the user experience to conversion must be flawless.
Black Friday should not be limited to Friday thru Monday. People have been shopping since the beginning of the month and will continue to shop until the days right before Christmas. If you have promo codes to offer, that's a great way to get people to make conversions on your website.
Of course, we have many other recommendations to prepare for Holiday shopping, so tune into our recent podcast to learn more.
The Ecommerce Disruptors Podcast - Presented by Electric Enjin is your go to source for ecommerce digital marketing tips, techniques, and insights to be a disruptor in your industry. To stay up to date on all future episodes – subscribe to the show and follow us @ecommercedisruptors on Instagram and
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